Fertility Specialists of Texas
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Fertility Resources

Find all the fertility resources you need

When a couple discovers they are having difficulty conceiving, the most common response is to research and learn as much as possible about the diagnosis and the treatment options available to help them have a baby. At Fertility Specialists of Texas, we know that it can be difficult to find comprehensive and complete fertility resources in an easy-to-understand format.

We have created this area on our website to offer multiple resources for support, encouragement and expert advice, as well as additional educational resources to research on the Internet. Each phase of the journey to overcome infertility, (discovery… diagnosis… treatment… pregnancy… resolution), brings its own unique set of challenges. Successful navigation through this difficult period will be enhanced by knowledge, strengthening your ability to make informed decisions about the care you receive.

We at Fertility Specialists of Texas encourage you to use the links below if you are interested in specific information regarding infertility diagnosis and treatment options.  We are also happy to answer any questions you may have: 214-618-2044.


The following is a fertility resources list of pharmacies that offer a full line of fertility medication at competitive prices. Of course these are not the only pharmacies that stock the medications – please let us know if you have a pharmacy preference.

Sometimes, your insurance company will require you to obtain your prescription from a specific pharmacy. In these instances, we will work within your plan’s guidelines to ensure you have the medications when you need them.


ASRM Patient Handouts (Downloadable)

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