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More Than The Baby Blues

 May 29th, 2018

{May 29, 2018}

Overcoming the trials of infertility can be one of the most emotionally challenging endeavors a woman can endure. For millions of new moms, however, the rollercoaster of post-pregnancy hormones can trigger a new challenge: postpartum depression.

The Charlize Theron movie, Tully, created a social media frenzy among moms and mental health advocates when it was released in early May due to its depiction of postpartum depression (PPD).

Dr. Rebecca Chilvers had the opportunity to discuss the condition with Terry Gilberg, host of the national talk radio show Think! America, and help dispel some misconceptions about the mood disorder that affects 1 in 7 women following childbirth.

Listen to the full interview here.

Postpartum Depression Resources


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