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Selecting a Sperm Donor

The right advice can help with selecting a sperm donor

Selecting a sperm donor can be daunting. After all, the donor will provide half of the baby’s genetics. Fertility Specialists of Texas often assists patients who are planning to conceive using donor sperm. As a result, our Dallas-Fort Worth fertility specialists know what goes into reviewing sperm donor characteristics and the decision-making process.

What should patients consider when selecting a sperm donor?

Many patients have dreams about what their future children will be like. These dreams are important to consider when reviewing sperm donor characteristics and traits.

When selecting a sperm donor, our Dallas-Fort Worth fertility specialists recommend thinking about the following considerations.

  • What physical traits are important? Even sperm banks with anonymous donors provide basic information about each donor’s appearance. For example, a donor’s profile might list a donor’s race, ethnicity, eye color, hair color and height.
  • Does the donor need to have reached a certain level of schooling? Some patients want a donor who has a bachelor’s degree or who attended an Ivy League university like Harvard or Yale. Sperm banks can typically provide this information.
  • Should the donor have specific talents or skills? Musical talent might be important to one family, while athletic ability might matter more to another. Some sperm banks can provide this information to intended parents.

Reputable sperm banks will also provide testing on donor sperm samples. The goal is to ensure the samples have a normal sperm count and the donor has no communicable diseases. Some sperm banks will also perform genetic testing to ensure the donor does not have any inheritable illnesses.

Our team guides patients on the journey to welcome a healthy baby

After selecting a sperm donor, patients can rely on our Dallas-Fort Worth fertility specialists to guide them through the next steps. In some cases, this involves conceiving with donor sperm IUI. However, in other situations, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the preferred route. Throughout the process, our doctors and nurses will deliver exceptional fertility care while providing compassionate support and answers to any questions.

If you’d like to learn more about welcoming a baby using donor sperm, contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you get started.

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