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Uterine Polyps

Our doctors can help if uterine polyps are interfering with your dream of parenthood

At Fertility Specialists of Texas, we know female infertility has many causes. Uterine polyps are one issue that can interfere with pregnancy. These uterine growths appear on the inner wall of the uterus (womb) and extend into the uterine cavity. Typically, polyps in the uterus are not cancerous. However, they can make it more difficult for an embryo to implant in the endometrium (uterine lining).

Thankfully, our Dallas-Fort Worth infertility doctors have the knowledge and tools to diagnose and treat these growths. Doing so often allows patients to become parents.

What do patients need to know about these uterine growths?

Uterine polyps occur when there is an overgrowth of cells in the endometrium. For this reason, people sometimes refer to these growths as endometrial polyps.

Polyps can be as small as a sesame seed or as big as a golf ball. The size of the stalk or base that attaches them to the uterine wall can also vary in size. Another characteristic of polyps that can vary from woman to woman is the amount. Some patients only have one polyp, while others have multiple.

Polyps are more common among women who are going through or who have completed menopause. However, women of reproductive age can also get them.

How do our doctors diagnose and treat uterine polyps?

These uterine growths can cause frequent and unpredictable menstrual bleeding as well as heavy periods and infertility. However, some women may not have any clue they have polyps until they have trouble conceiving.

If you have these problems, you should make an appointment with one of our Dallas-Fort Worth infertility doctors. At your first appointment, your doctor will ask about your medical history and perform a physical exam. They may then order a transvaginal ultrasound or a hysteroscopic procedure to examine your uterus.

If your test results reveal that you have uterine polyps, your doctor can perform minimally invasive surgery to remove them. In fact, your doctor can perform this surgery during your initial hysteroscopic evaluation.

During a hysteroscopy, your doctor will place a thin, lighted camera through the vagina and cervix to reach your uterus. They will also place surgical tools through the vaginal opening to remove the uterine growths. This method does not require incisions or stitches, so you will recover quickly.

Once your polyps are gone, your doctor will let you know when you can start trying for a baby on your own or with help from other fertility treatments.

If you’d like to learn more about how our Dallas-Fort Worth infertility doctors can diagnose and treat these uterine growths, contact us for an appointment. We’re here to answer your questions and help you take the first step toward parenthood.

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